Thursday 22 September 2016

Beautiful evening for sailing.

This afternoon there were perfect conditions on the reservoir for all abilities. 
 The sun shone and a steady westerly breeze had pupils sailing all over Wierwood. 
The water was still warm and the air temperature very respectable for this time of year. 
We could even see Brambletye on the hill in the distance. 
The sailers made a special effort to pack away and had all the boats off the water and in the boat park in record time - 13 minutes. 
The experienced seniors were a very good example to the novice sailors. 
Well done Brambletye sailors. 

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Colts win Brambletye VIs

After two years of being rained off due to unusually wet Septembers, the Brambletye VIs Tournament took place yesterday. Brambletye welcomed pupils from St. Christopher's,  Cumnor house, Copthorne, Cottesmore, Ashdown House and Belmont for U13 and U11 six-a-side tournaments. 

The standard of football was exceedingly high and there were some excellent passes, tackles and shots (even one successful 'Rabona').

Congratulations to Brambletye U11s who won their tournament beating Cumnor 2-1 in a tense and hard-fought final.
The victorious Colts with their coach Mr Brundish

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Over £17,000 raised for the Halow Project

Last Friday we welcomed Ann Kenney from the Halow Project to accept the cheque for £17,095.60 from last year’s amazing fundraising efforts. A huge thank you goes to all involved: pupils, staff and very importantly, parents for their most generous support. This sum is the third highest ever raised by Brambletye. Well done everybody.

Friday 2 September 2016

Brambletye Survival Camp

On the Bank Holiday Monday 20 brave Brambletye pupils from Years 3 to 8, spent the day building shelters which they then slept in over night.

Building Shelters took a couple of hours ...

Then after a go no the new school 220m zip wire and a swim, it was time to think about supper and how we were going to cook it. We had to make fire ...

We had then to check that the fire was working by toasting marshmallows.

The night was mostly peaceful, with the occasional owl screech and fox yelp, but dawn was beautiful ...

Morning meant tidying up and we 'left nothing behind but footprints and took nothing away but photographs': just as Mr Purcell requested.

There are more photographs in the Gallery.